cnet Last Update: 2022-12-04 00:57


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              -=-CommodoreNet Application-=-
     .: C=Net is dedicated to all things Commodore :.

This network doesnt have any Echomail areas (yet). Perhaps you would like to create one?

This network doesnt have any File areas (yet). Perhaps you would like to create one?

The following systems are members of this network.

System Sysop Location Region Address Last Echomail
ZC-cnet-00064 Unknown Unknown 0 64:0/0.0 -
The Trashcan BBS Nick MacKechnie Christchurch NZ 0 64:500/3.0 -
Smuggler's Cove Andrew Pamment Toowoomba AUS 0 64:500/14.0 -
Sonic BBS Louis Northmore North Yorkshire GBR 0 64:500/16.0 -
Retroverse Matt Ianson Sydney NSW Australia 0 64:500/17.0 -